★★★★★ Rated as the Best Binary Options Robot in the world, to dateThinking about trading Binary Options? By letting a Binary Options Robot do the trading for you, the risk of losing money is reduced, and the chance of winning is significantly higher!Binary Options Automation has 86% Win Rate and is 100% Free to use.This Binary Options Robot accepts traders from everywhere in the world, INCLUDING USA, and in case you should face any issues, or have any question, then we're offering 24/7 Live Chat Support.
**Why should i use this App?**
Because the app contains everything you need to automatically trade Binary Options.It's very easy to start trading this way, just take a look at the guide, then open an account, and end by making a Deposit to yoru chosen Broker.
We're connected with a lot of Trusted Binary Brokers, here's the brokers we currently offer: 24Optio, Banc De Binary, Finpari, RBinary, HBC Broker, BinaryBook, PlusOption, PorterFinance WynnFinance, BinaryTilt, Tradorax, EmpireOption, OptionFm, MagnumOptions, TRBinaryOptions, 365BinaryOptions, TropicalTrade and SkylineMarkets
**App Features:**
Trade from Any Device and Anywhere in the World.
Multiple languages available.
100% Automated Binary Options Robot Service, results much bigger win rate.
1. Read the Get Started Guide, or look at the Video Tutorial2. Open an Binary Options account by clicking Open Account, and fill in your informations.3. You'll get redirected to the Dashboard where you can change your settings (Read the How It Works guide for more info).4. Make a deposit to one of the many Brokers, in order to start trading.5. Set the Trading Status to Active, and the Binary Options Robot will start trading for you.
**What is a 'Binary Option'**
A binary option, is type of option in which the payoff is structured to be either a fixed amount of compensation if the option expires in the money, or nothing at all if the option expires out of the money. The success of a binary option is thus based on a yes or no proposition, hence “binary”. A binary option automatically exercises, meaning the option holder does not have the choice to buy or sell the underlying asset.
By signing up to Binary Options Automation, you agree that you're signed up to binaryoptionautotrading.com, and all payments are done though the broker.Binary Options Automation is a 100% free service, and 100% automated binary options robot, that helps you auto trade on binary options.